Tag: BJP

Understanding Maharashtra’s Move to Privatise Education

Researched by Tanvi Mehta Written by Amrita Singh If all goes well, Maharashtra’s private school chains may soon be allowed to introduce their own academic boards....

Breathing New Life into the IIMs

The Indian Institutes of Management (IIM) offer Post Graduate Diplomas in Management (PGDM) instead of prized MBA degrees, and are also registered as societies. This,...

The Tiger, The River and The Bureaucrat: Analysing the Ken-Betwa River...

Co-authored by Rohan Parikh and Sourya Reddy  The Ken-Betwa interlinking project is the first in an ambitious 30 river interlinking projects that the government has...

Maudlin for the Mythic: Decoding the Rise of Pious Politics

Researched and written by Ayan Tandon. The last few years have shown a definitive resurgence of pious politics across the globe. From developed western countries...

Transforming Indian Education: What Should the New Education Policy Tackle?

Researched by Tanvi Mehta Written by Amrita Singh The first National Education Policy of independent India was drafted and implemented in 1968, followed by a second...

Sparking A Conversation: The Taj Mahal Controversy

Sparking A Conversation is a video series aimed at creating a conducive environment for well-informed discussion, steeped in extensive research. With an array of...