Open Access Chronicles: An Indian Researcher’s Cost of Getting Published with Devika Madalli (Chapter...
Hosted by Sourya Reddy
Edited by Nidhi Rejithlal
Thus far in our series — Open Access Chronicles — we've covered the global Open Access movement, the...
Mediating the Media: Making India’s Children Media Literate
Authored by Ipsita Mishra
The Internet is the main source of information today, with usage climbing across urban and rural areas. Where we get our...
Building A Case Against Domicile Reservation in Private Unaided Universities
In late September last year, the Karnataka High Court quashed an amendment which introduced a domicile reservation for The National Law School of India...
Transforming Indian Education: What Should the New Education Policy Tackle?
Researched by Tanvi Mehta
Written by Amrita Singh
The first National Education Policy of independent India was drafted and implemented in 1968, followed by a second...
How the Educated Lack an Education
Written by Rhea Narayan Kuthoore
A vital organ of society has been decaying over time. If you are reading this piece, you were probably thrust...
A Low Benchmark: The State of Infrastructure in Our Schools
Written & Photographed by Apurva Sankar
Working as a Teach For India Fellow in a government school for the past 2 years has given me...
From Streets To Schools: The Girl in the Yellow Dress
Co-authored by Evita Rodrigues and Sanya Sharma
As the traffic light turns red, I hear a knock on the taxi window. Looking out, I see a...
‘Developing’ Education or Cultural Distancing? Delving into the EMRS Scheme
Written by Ayush Jain
Ever since Independence, the educational indicators of India’s Scheduled Tribe (ST) population have been much lower compared to the rest of...
How Do You Measure Academic Freedom? With Robert Quinn
Hosted by Sourya Reddy
Edited by Malavika VN
The recent high-profile resignations of Pratap Bhanu Mehta and Arvind Subramanian from their professorial positions at Ashoka University...
5 Reasons Why Ed-tech Cannot be the ‘New Normal’ for a Majority of Indian...
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