Politics &

Politics & Education, Environment and Sports

Understanding Zoonotic Diseases: With Dr. Shrikrishna Isloor

COVID-19, SERS, MERS, Ebola, Swine Flu—What do they all have in common? These are infections that can transmit from animals to humans, otherwise known...

The 21st Century Needs A New Story

The history of civilisation is the history of great stories. Great stories have been told to humans for hundreds of years. For example, the...

Education in Times of COVID: Re-centering Our Public Schools

Suspending all educational activities that involve large gatherings at least until May 3rd has brought about significant changes to schools’ academic cycles, board examination...

“Ladies First Hai!”: Mahila Mandal’s Fight Against Solid Waste Dumping in Sudher, Himachal Pradesh

In India’s Himachal Pradesh, in the western Himalayas, Anuradha is doubled down into the soils of her farmland in Sudher village, donning a dhattu—the...

The Bastion Dialogues: Vicky Roy

When Vicky Roy (VR) was a young boy, he ran away from his home in West Bengal all the way to the capital, New...

What the Humanities Can Teach Us During a Pandemic

Epidemics and pandemics are humanitarian crises and hence the subject of the Humanities, as much as they are the subjects of biomedical situations, biologists,...

Shrinking Negotiations: How the Draft EIA 2020 Is Affecting Public Consultations on Development

This article is the first of the two-part series "Shrinking Negotiations" on the draft Environment Impact Assessment 2020. Click here for Part Two: Involving...

The Bastion Dialogues: Dr. Amita Baviskar

Images from the ongoing lockdown are clear enough evidence that the experiences of city dwellers differ vastly based on their social privilege. This means...

Is It Time To Start Teaching Science In Regional Languages?

In January of 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for using vernacular languages in promoting science communication to develop a love of science in...

Climate Action In A Post Coronavirus World

There is a video that has been doing the rounds amidst this coronavirus frenzy. It shows how the American news channel Fox News has...