Resource Management

Understanding and evaluating India’s resource management methods, policies and strategies.

The Hidden Politics of Forest Fire Management in Uttarakhand: The Van Gujjar Experience

Colonial forestry in Uttarakhand excludes forest dwellers like the Van Gujjars from forest management, making them doubly vulnerable to raging forest fires.
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What’s wrong with the EIA 2020?

Research by Charith Reddy & Isha Malaviya Edited & Presented by Sumit Krishna Yadav The draft Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) 2020 has garnered a host...

Profits, Protection, and People: Is Legalising Sand Mining in MP’s Chambal Sanctuary Worth it?

The Madhya Pradesh government has justified denotifying 350 hectares of the Chambal Wildlife Sanctuary for legal sand mining as a way of preventing wasteful expenditure from monitoring, while also improving local livelihoods and protecting the environment. How valid is this reasoning?

In Rajasthan, a Public Land Protection Cell is Removing Encroachments, But Challenges Abound

A 2019 order passed by the Rajasthan High Court called for the formation of a Public Land Protection Cell, a district-level conflict resolution institution to investigate cases of encroachments on common lands. In this two-part series, The Bastion investigates the efficiency of these unique Public Land Protection Cells through interviews and information received via Right to Information applications. Part 1 uncovers the types of conflicts that occur on these “commons”, and how a delayed start to these cells and slow disposals might be plaguing their functioning.

The Russia-Ukraine Crisis Exposes India’s Vulnerable Position in the Global Oil Trade

For countries reliant on oil imports like India, how has the Russia-Ukraine war impacted local markets and the pockets of consumers? What does this go to show about India’s precarious geopolitical position in the global oil trade and the way forward?

Shared Atmosphere, Equal Responsibility? Enter, Climate Debt

One of the greatest scientific discoveries was made in the 1700s. It was the realization that coal could be used to turn water into...

Fifth Amendment to Fly Ash Notification Does Little To Address the Ecological Dangers of...

Recent amendments to the 1999 fly ash notification by the MoEFCC do not sufficiently address the ecological consequences of thermal energy.

In the Eye of the Storm: Luna’s Lone War for Clean Water

The village of Luna is like any other village in Gujarat — vast stretches of green, mud and brick houses pockmarked around the fields,...

Finding Delhi’s “Encroachers”: The Lal Dora Investigation

Aside from low-income "encroachers" of common land, there are much larger players in Delhi who must also share the blame of worsening Delhi’s land scarcity.
Japan Coal

From Japan, with Love

Written by Vaishnavi Rathore  At first glance, Japan is a good example for countries that aim to go green. By 2030, the country plans to...