
Development and the Environment

Beijing Air Pollution

Understanding the Economic Consequences of Air Pollution

Researched by Siddhant Sachdeva Written by Gauri Bansal The question of the environment, as a constant debate between ethics and economics, has forced people to think...

Sparking a Conversation: Ethics vs. Economics in the Environment

In our next video in the 'Sparking A Conversation' series, Dr Mahesh Rangarajan discusses the relationship between development and nature. In a country like...

Sparking A Conversation: India, its Environment and the Future

In our next video in the 'Sparking A Conversation' series, Dr. Mahesh Rangarajan, a Professor of Environmental Studies and History, discusses the the key issues...
Panna Tiger Reserve

The Tiger, The River and The Bureaucrat: Analysing the Ken-Betwa River Linking Project

Co-authored by Rohan Parikh and Sourya Reddy  The Ken-Betwa interlinking project is the first in an ambitious 30 river interlinking projects that the government has...

Forests of Flames: The Story of Wildfires

Researched and Written by Sourya Reddy The Thomas fire, currently raging in California, has burned more than 150,000 acres since it began a little more...
“Tibet Be Dammed!”, Says China. But At What Cost?

“Tibet Be Dammed!”, Says China. But At What Cost?

Written by Rohan Parikh Tibet’s glacier-fed rivers are the single largest runoff source in the whole world. It holds the Hindu Kush Himalayan ice sheet,...
Big Eater? Ignorant Towards Global Warming? Expect Less Food on Your Plate

Ignorant Towards Climate Change? Expect Less Food in the Years to Come.

Researched by Aditya Vikram Written by Sourya Reddy  India has an almost never-ending list of the economic and social challenges it faces, and large doubts have...
A Reality Check for the Climate Change Deniers: What is happening to the animals around you?

A Reality Check for the Climate Change Deniers: What Is Happening to the Animals...

Co-created by Stuti Pachisia and Siddhant Sachdeva  In May 2016, scientists discovered that the Great Barrier Reef ─ often touted as one of the seven wonders...
Predictive problems of climate change

Combating Climate Change: Knowing What to Do and When

Researched by Ishita Lohani Written by Ayan Tandon  Despite the multitude of failings associated with Donald Trump’s capabilities as POTUS, he possesses a reputable knack for...
Indian Truck Polluting

Highway to Help: India’s Trucking Predicament

Research by Aditya Vikram Written by Tanvi Mehta India’s trucking industry relies on heavy-freight trucks for 65% of its activity. While they are the most efficient...