
Development and Education

5 Reasons Why Ed-tech Cannot be the ‘New Normal’ for a Majority of Indian...

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Student protest CAA

No Country for Student Dissent?

Written by Sourya Reddy  “It’s blatantly obvious isn’t it? They’ve been badgering us for so long — they’ve tried changing the way we learn, tried...

Nurturing Sensitivity in Students: The Dearth of Mental Health Education in India

Co-authored by Gopika Kumaran & Avantika Bunga  10% of India’s population suffers from Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) which include depression, anxiety and substance abuse, according...

Social and Emotional Learning Can Help Indian Schools Deal With the Mental Impacts of...

India needs to develop a contextualised framework for Social and Emotional Learning to address the pandemic's mental impacts on students and caregivers.

How Can CSR Grant Agreements Be Redesigned to Not Stifle Non-profits?

The grant agreement reflects and amplifies the unequal power dynamic inherent to CSR, which manifests in the form of unfavourable conditions on the grantee.

Education in Times of COVID: How Students, Teachers & Parents are Dealing With the...

On the 14th of March, the news dropped like a bombshell for all teachers: schools would remain closed until the end of the month....

The Bastion Dialogues: Saurabh Taneja

Saurabh Taneja (ST) is the CEO of The Akanksha Foundation, a non-profit organisation providing children from low-income communities with a high-quality education. For over...

A Low Benchmark: The State of Infrastructure in Our Schools

Written & Photographed by Apurva Sankar Working as a Teach For India Fellow in a government school for the past 2 years has given me...
India school street children

From Streets to Schools | The Bastion x Save the Children

“As the traffic light turns green, the car speeds off, leaving behind a little girl in a yellow dress selling storybooks on the street....

One Arm Distance: The Return to Schools

As schools across India slowly reopen classrooms to their students, what has the shift back to physical classrooms been like? How can we prepare for a future of hybrid learning?