Legal & Policy Analysis

#JustTech: How Technology Can Help Innovate Justice

How can technological advancement further the cause of justice innovation?

Tracing Traceability: Why Weakening Encryption Threatens Privacy and Free Speech

Weakening encryption technology has serious implications on privacy and security. What are the workarounds to breaking end-to-end encryption?

How Technology Can Improve Citizen Civic Engagement

Technology can improve the way that citizens engage with the law. Citizen feedback is crucial to a healthy legal system- what technological tools can improve the pre-legislative consultation process in India?

Beyond Pegasus: The Story of State Surveillance in India

Not every citizen or institution is surveilled in the same manner, or for the same reasons. Categorising government surveillance into ‘Big Fish’, ‘Small Fish’, and ‘Dark Modes’ outlines how each type of surveillance seriously damages India's democracy.

The Dark Side of Google’s News Aggregation: A Look at CCI vs Google

The Competition Commission of India is of the opinion that Google has been abusing its dominant position as a news aggregator. How do we ensure that news publishers do not receive the short end of the stick?

How the Draft Data Protection Bill Bodes Ill For Social Media Platforms and Users

The Draft Data Protection Bill is holding social media platforms hostage by risking their safe harbour protections. It also risks the privacy and freedom of speech that users are entitled to.

Trails of Environmental Jurisprudence in India: National Green Tribunal v/s Urban Air Pollution

A study of cases before the National Green Tribunal revealed poor representation of air pollution cases being heard. What do civil society, the government, and the Tribunals need to do to ensure better resolution of air-pollution-related conflicts?

Why Isn’t Quality Primary Education Ever a Poll Promise?

India's learning crisis could gain political legitimacy if used as an electoral platform by political parties.

The Future of Justice Srimathy’s Judgement: Treating Mother Nature as a Legal Entity

This is part two of Out of the Woods, a two-part series that explores the implication of treating Mother Nature as a legal entity....

Through The Looking Glass: The Hidden Costs of Linking Aadhaar and Voter IDs

Just because the government's proposal to link Aadhaar and voter IDs sees no allocation in the 2022-23 Union Budget doesn't mean that there are no costs to these plans.