
Development and the Environment

Climate change in depth

Climate Change in Depth (Vol. 1)

This first edition in a series of workshops aims to look at some of the aspects of climate change that are key to understanding...

How Coastal Regulation Zones Can Help India’s Fishers Reclaim Coastal Commons

India’s vast coastline is home to diverse coastal landscapes and ecosystems. These ecosystems also form the backbone of the fisheries sector, which not only...

Meet Hydrogen, the New Fuel in Town

Imagine owning a car that has zero emissions — except, this one isn’t by a battery-powered electric vehicle. Feels like an unlikely possibility? It’s...

How India Should Prepare for COP26’s Met and Unmet Climate Adaptation Finance Demands

With some climate finance demands at COP26 unmet, how should developing countries like India make use of international climate finance efficiently?

Demolishing Nurseries to Plant Trees on the Banks of the Yamuna

Every year during the monsoons my social media blows up with reports of the Yamuna floodplains brimming with water, closely followed by stories on...

Population Growth, Rapid Development and Social Inequalities: How Noida’s Urban Planning Benefits Some, Leaves...

Despite his parents' discontent, 24-year-old Agam Gupta shifted to a high-rising society in the Noida region of Delhi NCR. He says he primarily chose...
GMO Pears

GMOs and the EU’s Plant Politics

Written by Ishani Pant  Mutagenesis is the process by which the genetic makeup of an organism is altered either due to natural circumstances or laboratory...

Caring for the Special Needs of Adults and our Earth: Meet the Friends of...

“I have been here for 20 years... I know everything!” exclaims Deepak, without a hint of doubt in his voice. Although it hasn’t quite...
Introduction to Environment Law 2

Introduction to Environment Law: Module 2

Welcome to Module 2 of Introduction to Environment Law! Go Back to Module 1 | Go Ahead to Module 3 In this module, you will understand...

Changing Notions of Human-Leopard Conflict around Jhalana Leopard Reserve, Jaipur

The news of a pregnant elephant dying after consuming a pineapple filled with crackers in Kerala has been doing the rounds. The fact that...