Education in Times of COVID-19: Strengthening Parental Engagement in Early Childhood Education
Akanksha Foundation's insights on the teachers in Maharashtra who received technological support—and those who didn't—may help reform ECE as schools reopen.
5 Reasons Why Ed-tech Cannot be the ‘New Normal’ for a Majority of Indian...
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Pictures Speak Louder Than Words: Should Comics Be Taken Seriously in the Classroom?
Authored by Ipsita Mishra
Did you ever sneak-read a Batman graphic novel at night, hiding under the blanket using a flashlight, and wish that your...
As We May Teach: Where Does All the Ed-Tech Data Go?
This article is the first instalment of Aparna Ramanujam's two-part series 'As We May Teach' which evaluates the privacy concerns and cognitive learning aspects of...
Education in Times of COVID: Bringing Social-Emotional Learning to Mobile Education
With the world straddling the COVID-19 pandemic, pre-existing societal issues such as violence, inequity, and poverty have been further magnified. Young children are literally...
Education in Times of COVID: Why Does It Take a National Lockdown to Revamp...
In light of the national lockdown imposed to combat COVID-19, the CBSE has released a series of measures to be taken by students, teachers,...
The Open Book Conundrum
Secondary and higher learning institutions have practised ‘blended learning’ for a year. Now, they must evaluate their own learnings just as much as they must examine their students. Are traditional methods of evaluation even fair game in this mode? Most importantly, are our teachers up for it?
What Ed-Tech Looks Like in Rural Maharashtra’s Schools
In a small school in Nashik, Maharashtra, most of the students are drawn towards their coming annual day practice, running around for speakers and...
The Bastion Dialogues: Shreyasi Singh
Shreyasi Singh (SS) is the Founder and CEO of Harappa Education, an online learning institution dedicated to equipping adult learners with cognitive, social and...
Taking the Classroom Online: E-Education for India
India’s education landscape is vast ─ close to 260 million students attend more than 1.5 million schools and around 30.5 million college students attend...