
India Sex Workers COVID19

Responding to COVID-19: Here’s How India’s Sex Workers Are Doing It

India's sex workers have been mobilising their community to address the impact of COVID-19 on their livelihoods and families. Here's how.

Is the National Digital Health Mission an Effective Treatment for India’s Health System?

This article is the first of a two-part series on the National Digital Health Mission, and the best practices required to scale digital health...
Violence against doctors india

Why You Should Not Hit A Doctor

How do instances of violence against doctors affect their ability and conviction to serve and save human lives?
olympics mental health athletes

Tokyo Calling: Creating Mentally Resilient Athletes Through a Pandemic

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impact athletes' mental conditioning, and how are they preparing for the upcoming Olympics against an uncertain and hostile background?

ASHA Workers and the Burden of Unpaid Care Work

Health workers such as Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA), among others, have been part of the National Health Mission (NHM) since 2005. An ASHA...

Building Friendly Toilets for Every Indian

November 19 marks World Toilet Day. Aimed towards raising awareness on those who live without access to safely managed sanitation, the Day also marks...

Amidst a Once-in-a-century Pandemic, What Does the Budget Say About Mental Healthcare?

All eyes were on the Union Budget, announced on February 1, to see how expenditure towards healthcare would be allocated during the ongoing pandemic—this...

B.O.L.D. Policy Actions to Ensure Optimal Public Health and Nutrition in India

As the National Nutrition Month—or Rashtriya Poshan Maah— begins this September, renewed commitment, relentless advocacy, robust policy, and reassuring action on the ground is expected from the government at every level.

The Endless Battles of Children with Breathing Difficulties in Bengaluru

The voices of patients and caregivers ring loud and clear: worsening air quality in parts of the city is directly affecting the quality of life that our children can enjoy.

Meet the Sahiyas Empowering Women to Take Control of Their Health in Rural Jharkhand

A community-based approach called Participatory Learning and Action has allowed Sahiyas to streamline their efforts, engage with marginalised communities, and command the respect and recognition that they deserve.