
yamuna floodplain

On Writing Ground Stories from Home

I move between worlds. Anybody who reads, watches movies, or writes, would know what I mean. Physically, you’d be occupying the space around you,...

Politics Of, By, and For the People: Developing Democracy in 21st Century India

I want you to meet Razia. A 10-year-old girl born in the village of Nayabans, in Uttar Pradesh. She belongs to a Dalit-Muslim family....

Focusing on the Humans of Fieldwork Can Produce Better Quality Data

Data collection and surveys form the backbone of India’s social and development sectors. At a time when primary research on development issues is a...

The COVID-19 Crisis Should Make Us Rethink Our Prejudices Against Basic Income Transfers

Albeit indefinite, the coronavirus-induced (paid) stay-at-home orders are temporary for many privileged citizens. But, for masses of India’s working population, this nagging sense of...

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: What lies beyond the Mahatma?

Researched and written by Arjav Kulshreshtha.  M. K. Gandhi, also known as Gandhiji, was born on 2nd October 1869. He was the leader of India’s...

Rantas and other Enslaving Bogeywomen: Muslim Girlhood in Kashmir

The myth of the Rantas tells Kashmiri girls and women: beware of yourselves.

Dialogues: Dr. K.S. Chalam on the Political Economy of Caste in India

"The characterization of caste as division of labourers does not fully explain the discriminatory and unpaid labour of untouchables and artisan castes in the...

The Genius of Market Fundamentalism

The genius of modern neo-liberal economics is that its ideas have been sold to us by those in power over the last few decades...

Of Race, Religion and a Pandemic: Understanding Islamophobia in Assam

The detection of the COVID-19 hotspot at Tablighi Jamaat at Nizamuddin Markaz in New Delhi led to a surge of Islamophobic expressions in Assam....
Rethinking Education

How the Educated Lack an Education

Written by Rhea Narayan Kuthoore  A vital organ of society has been decaying over time. If you are reading this piece, you were probably thrust...