5 Reasons Why Ed-tech Cannot be the ‘New Normal’ for a Majority of Indian...
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Reforming Ayurveda During COVID-19
Research by Isha Malaviya
Presented & edited by Sumit Krishna Yadav
Last week, Baba Ramdev announced Coronil and Swasari Vati as a “cures" for COVID-19. However,...
B.O.L.D. Policy Actions to Ensure Optimal Public Health and Nutrition in India
As the National Nutrition Month—or Rashtriya Poshan Maah— begins this September, renewed commitment, relentless advocacy, robust policy, and reassuring action on the ground is expected from the government at every level.
COVID-19 | Persons with Disabilities Need to Be Accounted For, Prioritized
Prolonged lockdowns, apathetic social security services, and not being seen as high-priority recipients of the vaccine, have left them more vulnerable than ever before.
Personalized Adaptive Learning for Post-Pandemic Education
“Teaching at the Right Level” (TaRL) can ensure that India’s students suffer minimal educational and economic consequences as a result of the pandemic.
On the Road: Tracing the Current Patterns of Fishworkers’ Migration in India
This piece is the second instalment of a two-part series 'On the Road' by Madhuri Mondal on how fishworkers have migrated in the past,...
Hanging by a Thread: Affordable Private Schools and COVID-19
Targeted policy reforms needed to support the online learning of 79 million students in India’s Affordable Private Schools.
Education in Times of COVID: Bringing Social-Emotional Learning to Mobile Education
With the world straddling the COVID-19 pandemic, pre-existing societal issues such as violence, inequity, and poverty have been further magnified. Young children are literally...
We Need To Start Talking About Teachers’ Mental Health
You must have heard the famous quote: “He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.” Popularised by George Bernard Shaw in Maxims for Revolutionists, the...
The Classroom ‘Monitor’: How Digital Learning Both Frees and Alienates Students
While online learning has its own exclusionary faults, it also reclaims students' rights to movement and action, taken from them by physical classrooms.