Helping Children Learn From Each Other: Enter, “Heutagogy”
How can we enable students to learn from each other while granting teachers autonomy in their classrooms? Heutagogy may be the answer to better foundational learning.
How Does India See Her Oceans?
Most of our “blue v/s economy” contests stem from the fact that climate change is making the ocean more unknown to us than before.
Bastion Shorts: How Safe Do Women Feel Going to College in Delhi?
A women’s college’s cultural festival in the national capital. Unknown men enter the campus that’s supposed to be secured and guarded to protect the...
Abortions, the Woman’s Body, and the Disciplinary Power of the State
The woman’s body, always under scrutiny, is under greater surveillance as nation-states, including India, supposedly advance towards modern abortion laws.
Drains to Diseases: Haryana’s Sanitation Struggle
"My kid falls sick so often because of the stagnant water in these open drains. Why isn't the government doing anything?"
— Asawarpur Resident, Haryana
Green Bonds: The Next Big Thing in Green Finance
‘Green finance’ is the new buzzword in the finance world: these are loans, debts, or investments available to be raised solely for those projects considered green.
Caste, Class, and Awareness—Makers and Breakers of Common Land Dispute Resolution in Rajasthan
The second half of this investigative series on Rajasthan’s Public Land Protection Cells (PLPCs) finds evidence via RTIs and interviews with locals that explain why the district administration has not been effective in spreading awareness about the Cell's functions. Implementing final orders from the PLPC seems to be largely shaped by class and caste dynamics.
Behind Reports of Fishers’ Demands for Euthanasia in Porbandar: Caste, Class, Religion, Livelihoods
600 small-scale Muslim fishermen in Gujarat approached the High Court to seek euthanasia because of discrimination in accessing the Gosabara wetlands.
Trailing A Path of Non-Anthropogenic Jurisprudence Amidst the Climate Crisis
In the age of the Anthropocene, can the world’s rapid biodiversity losses be mitigated by shifting to a non-anthropogenic legal paradigm?
The Ways an Education Nonprofit Can Fundraise in Post-Pandemic India
Imagine this. You established your organisation in 2016 to contribute to the field of education. You are almost ready to launch a fellowship program...