Resource Management

Understanding and evaluating India’s resource management methods, policies and strategies.

Why Gujarat’s Women Are Yet to Accrue the Wealth of the Forest Land They...

The earnings from the land Dangi women own do not reach them: these benefits are monopolised by the men in their families.

What the Frack: Is India Ready for Shale?

Co-authored by Sunalika Singh and Charith Reddy  As the third largest consumer of energy in the world, India is far from energy independence; with the...

Shared Atmosphere, Equal Responsibility? Enter, Climate Debt

One of the greatest scientific discoveries was made in the 1700s. It was the realization that coal could be used to turn water into...

Is Goa Losing its Forests for Coal?

In 2011, ecologist Madhav Gadgil chaired the  Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) which submitted a report wherein all of the Western Ghats was...

Unravelling the ‘PPP’ Model Affecting Nomadic Pastoralists in Jammu & Kashmir

This article is the third instalment of our series on how the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns have impacted the livelihoods of three...

Carbon Offsets: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and a Collective Hope Ahead

Carbon offsets may become an excuse for polluters to keep polluting. Emerging technology and regulations hold promise for India.

Is it a Meteor Shower? Is it a Shooting Star? No, It’s Space Debris!

Not only does space debris pose a threat to operating satellites that are vital for communication, security, and commerce, but it can also hurl into the Earth’s atmosphere, damaging lives and property. India is right in the mix of things, but how do we mitigate and manage our space junk?

Creating Resilient Livelihoods in the Sundarbans, Sans Embankments

It was the 1790s. Tillman Henkel, a magistrate appointed by the newly-arrived British, was a busy man. He had the task of developing an...

Kolkata’s ‘Environmental Subsidy’ is in Danger

Written by Arnab Chakraborty  Peri-urban Kolkata, to the East of the city, is dotted with several water-bodies, farms, and stinky canals. This same site is...

What if We Could Pay Farmers to Grow and Protect Forests?

COVID-19 is a global tragedy. However, what is of greater concern is that the pandemic is merely a symptom of a much larger problem:...