Syllabus and Pedagogy

The politics in structuring the education system; the politicisation of syllabi and exploring the knock-on effects of the diversification of syllabi.

Colourful Walls, Learning All-Round: This Village is Bringing Education Closer to Every Home

“My son started reading small words only because of these paintings on the wall—he learned them unconsciously as a part of the play...

India’s Golden Challenge ─ Primary Education

India is set to become the third largest economy in the world by 2030 all the while being home to the largest and youngest workforce...

Background Questionnaire in Large Scale Assessments Can Improve Students’ Academic Performance

How can background questionnaires improve students' academic performance and learning? These large-scale assessments can ensure equitable and quality education.

Higher Education Rankings: Explained

In this year's QS rankings, IIT-Bombay was the best-placed Indian university (overall), with a global ranking of 177. IIT-Delhi followed at a global rank...
India school street children

From Streets to Schools | The Bastion x Save the Children

“As the traffic light turns green, the car speeds off, leaving behind a little girl in a yellow dress selling storybooks on the street....
OTF Andhra Education

Equity or Error? Assessing Andhra Pradesh’s English-ization of School Education

Understanding the Context English-medium education in India is becoming more lucrative by the day. This global lingua franca, which has found its way into most...

Should Children Be Allowed to Design Their Own Education?

If our meme wasn't clear enough, we can spell it our for you: our education system isn't teaching material that is particularly relevant to...