
Schools Reopening Tamil Nadu

Hitting Restart: Reopening Schools in Tamil Nadu with Merlia Shaukath

Hosted by Sourya Reddy Edited by Malavika VN Amid massive learning losses, states across India have been struggling to answer when and how they should reopen...

Preparing for the Worst: How Doctors Deal with Violence

How do doctors prepare themselves for possible instances of violence against them? Are there some doctors who are more likely to face violence than others?

How the RBI Ban on Recurring Payments Affects Businesses Across The Board

Hosted by Chirag Chinnappa  Edited by Manasi Nene  In September of this year, the RBI rolled out its mandate for customers to authenticate auto-debit recurring card-based...
Vikram Chandra Editorji

Technically Speaking, How Can Technology Reform TV News? With Vikram Chandra

Chirag Chinnappa speaks to Vikram Chandra—Founder of Editorji and an ex-TV journalist—on how technology, specifically AI, can be utilized to fix the Indian digital news ecosystem.

India’s Space Aspirations, Uncovered: Part I

India's growing space sector has a crucial role to play in the country's development. Here's how.
Auto for Impact India

Designing a Social Impact Campaign during COVID-19: The Auto for Impact Story

How does one plan and execute an innovative social impact campaign during COVID-19? The Auto for Impact team has some insights for you!
Ashok K Agarwal

Dialling 102: How Can We Improve Biomedical Waste Management in India?

How can biomedical waste management in India be made better? Dr. Ashok K. Agarwal has the answers.

Why Inclusive Education Benefits Everyone, Not Just the Disabled: With Jo Chopra-McGowan, Executive Director,...

Almost 40% of children with disabilities in India have never attended a school of any sort—and even among those who have, 40% considered dropping...

Technically Speaking, Why is Encryption a Big Deal for the Government?

Hosted by Sourya Reddy Edited by Nidhi Rejithlal Encryption has been the talk of the tech world for the better part of 5 years now. While...

Why Should Companies Invest in Sports? #Changethescript with Deepthi Bopaiah

Interviewed by Chirag Chinnappa; Edited by Nidhi Rejithlal. In India, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as “corporate initiative to assess and take responsibility for...