Tag: Women

A ‘Feminist’ Server to Help People Own Their Own Data

Feminist servers could help people own and manage their own data while empowering vulnerable communities to create and store their knowledge. What is a feminist server, and can everyone own their own server?

Rantas and other Enslaving Bogeywomen: Muslim Girlhood in Kashmir

The myth of the Rantas tells Kashmiri girls and women: beware of yourselves.

What Hinders Women-in-STEM, Even in Elite Liberal Arts Universities?

Unlike the IITs, the gender ratio is in favour of women at India’s liberal arts institutions. Yet, the difficulties faced by women-in-science present themselves in nuanced forms, as early experiences from Ashoka University’s STEM programs suggest.

Where are the Missing Girls of our IITs? Busting Myths Around...

Editor’s note: We recommend reading part one of this series, on the leaky pipeline that women endure from school and coaching classes to the...

Where are the Missing Girls of our IITs? The Leaky Pipeline

Women are systematically pushed out of the pipeline that takes them from school, through coaching and the JEE, onto engineering college. At each step of this journey, here's how bright female minds are lost to gender stereotypes and biases, or the ‘leaks’ in the IIT pipeline.

Internet, Show Me No More Blues: Towards a Feminist Internet

What does a feminist Internet look like and what might it entail in the Indian context? Would the Indian woman be the primary beneficiary of a feminist Internet? If yes, which Indian women benefit from it?

Achieving Sustainable Development by Accelerating Gender Equality

Gender Equality is the lever for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The Murky Waters of Kerala’s Knowledge Economy Mission

For employment platforms like the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission to cater to Kerala’s unemployed, they require nuanced engagement at the design stage.

Mental Health in an Age of Productivity: The Collective Cost of...

When our worth is tied to how quickly we produce results, activism becomes dehumanizing—& has clear repercussions on the mental health of Indian activists.

Why Gujarat’s Women Are Yet to Accrue the Wealth of the...

The earnings from the land Dangi women own do not reach them: these benefits are monopolised by the men in their families.