Tag: Healthcare

It’s Time to Take Long COVID Patients Seriously

What has the experience of treating Long COVID looked like in India, and how can our public health system rise to this real and growing challenge?

“Our Handwriting May Be Bad, But Our Message is Clear”: Doctors...

What roles can doctors play in communicating the ill effects of air pollution to patients, and can their role go beyond hospitals?

Mental Health in an Age of Productivity: The Collective Cost of...

When our worth is tied to how quickly we produce results, activism becomes dehumanizing—& has clear repercussions on the mental health of Indian activists.

How the I’MPossible Fellowship is Reimagining Education for India’s Youth Living...

Orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV remain stigmatised in Indian society—difficulties which the two-year I’MPossible Fellowship aims to solve for.

Abortions, the Woman’s Body, and the Disciplinary Power of the State

The woman’s body, always under scrutiny, is under greater surveillance as nation-states, including India, supposedly advance towards modern abortion laws.

COVID-19 | Persons with Disabilities Need to Be Accounted For, Prioritized

Prolonged lockdowns, apathetic social security services, and not being seen as high-priority recipients of the vaccine, have left them more vulnerable than ever before.

The Struggles of Registering for COVID-19 Vaccines in Delhi’s Yamuna Khadar

The technological barrier CoWin erects while registering for COVID-19 vaccines could be counterproductive to the Centre’s goal of universal immunisation.

Dialling 102: How Are Private Hospitals Dealing with the COVID-19 Crisis?...

Amidst the brutal second wave of COVID-19, how are private hospitals in India dealing with the crisis? Dr. Arvinder Singh Soin explains.

Development: The Best Form of Contraception with Dr. S.Y. Quraishi

Hosted by Chirag Chinnappa  Edited by Nidhi Rejithlal What is the secret to successful family planning, especially amongst socially and economically disadvantaged communities? An increase in...

The Tired Mom Continuum: The Silent Fatigue of Motherhood

There was a time not too long ago when each night, only a few steps between their beds and the bathroom, our sons would...