Tag: Education

One Arm Distance: The Return to Schools

As schools across India slowly reopen classrooms to their students, what has the shift back to physical classrooms been like? How can we prepare for a future of hybrid learning?

Creating More Equitable Classrooms with Subir Shukla

Who decides what “knowledge” is? Why is it important? And how can we break the hierarchies that have been cemented in our systems?

How the I’MPossible Fellowship is Reimagining Education for India’s Youth Living...

Orphans and vulnerable children affected by HIV remain stigmatised in Indian society—difficulties which the two-year I’MPossible Fellowship aims to solve for.

“We Have No Future Here” | A Young Afghan Woman’s Plea...

A cycle of imperialism and fundamentalism is repeating itself in Afghanistan, once again. The Indian government's response to the situation in Afghanistan will lay down markers for the type of developmental path we choose to tread.

Designing a Social Impact Campaign during COVID-19: The Auto for Impact...

How does one plan and execute an innovative social impact campaign during COVID-19? The Auto for Impact team has some insights for you!

How Can Citizens Decide Electoral Agendas?

How can citizens create political narratives and change the focus of elections to human development indicators like education, health or the environment?

In this Season’s Electoral Promises, Where Does Education Feature?

Where does education feature in election campaigns? Can Education be a successful political plank?

Hitting Restart: Reopening Schools in Tamil Nadu with Merlia Shaukath

Hosted by Sourya Reddy Edited by Malavika VN Amid massive learning losses, states across India have been struggling to answer when and how they should reopen...

2021 & Beyond: Building a Roadmap for Education

Hosted by Sourya Reddy  Edited by Malavika VN The Budget for Education reduced by 6% in 2021, leaving many working in the field trying to understand...

Open Access Chronicles: The Birth of Sci-Hub (Chapter 6)

Hosted by Swagam Dasgupta  Edited by Malavika VN  If you've been a college student any time in the past decade, you have most probably come across...