Solutions & Innovations

A Crisis is Brewing in Goa’s Booming Alcohol Industry

India’s 'party capital' is never short of a drink. With 92 registered distilleries, wineries, and breweries, Goa’s alcohol industry is a highly polluting and resource-intensive one. Could small-scale producers of local beverages like feni offer alternatives to the larger beer , gin, and whiskey industry?

Low-Cost Vermicompost Instead of Inorganic Fertilizers | Hear from Small Farmers in the Kanha-Pench...

Vermicompost revived soil quality, reduced input costs, and made farmers self-sufficient through lockdowns.

Cast Away: A Case For Place-based Education in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

A place-based curriculum in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands can not only ignite individual student potential—but the value of local ecosystems as well.

People First: Reimagining Design and Technology for Community Healthcare

“What is in it for you? Why are you doing this?” asks one of the Health Navigators (HNs) in Channapatna, the “Toy-City'' of Karnataka,...

Channelling the Right to Work Towards Climate Resilient, Sustainable Livelihoods

The cumulative effect that MNREGS activities can have on reducing agriculture, disaster, and livelihood-based vulnerabilities of rural households is staggering, and frankly quite underrated.

Data for Governance: An Education System for the Future in Tamil Nadu

Through Tamil Nadu Vagupparai Nokkin, Tamil Nadu is leading the way for a data-driven education system.

Can a People’s Biodiversity Register Contribute to Conservation?

PBRs are an opportunity to discuss and incorporate the traditional ecological knowledge of local communities and their socio-natural relationships.

Outcomes-Based Instruments Work: Learning from the World’s Largest Education Impact Bond

The Quality Education India Development Impact Bond (QEI DIB) offers valuable insight into how to design and evaluate outcomes-based instruments for success.

Building India’s Sports Stack – a Systems Approach to Using Sport for Society

The Sports and Society Accelerator’s seven-layer ‘Sports Stack’ is a starting point to deliver on the social potential of sport and address issues of inclusion, empowerment and community.

#JustTech: Let’s Co-Create Technology to Build Legal Solutions For Vulnerable Communities

How can collaborative legal technology building improve solutions for vulnerable communities?