Politics &

Politics & Education, Environment and Sports

Libraries Delhi

Sinking Treasures: Reviving Delhi’s Public Libraries

Written & Photographed by Ipsita Mishra  Libraries have always overwhelmed us with the extensive information preserved in the form of books, and have been a...
Vaishnavi Rathore The Bastion

Why Aren’t We Making Hay as the Sun Shines? Moving to Solar Rooftops

Written by Vaishnavi Rathore with inputs from Arnab Chakraborty The view from one of Dwarka’s apartments initially looks like the typical New Delhi skyline. The...

Jheel Ke Kinaare: Crisis in the City of Lakes (Part II)

Filmed by Kartikeya Saxena  Last month, we looked at one part of Udaipur's troubled water scenario; how Udaipur is burdened by the ever-increasing number of...
EWS Reservation

Public Good, Private Responsibility? The RTE’s EWS Reservation

Understanding the Context The Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act was hailed as a monumental intervention to increase access to education. However, it...
Apple watch

Data Data Everywhere, Whose is it to Give?

Written by Sourya Reddy & Swagam Dasgupta  It was a bone-dry morning in the middle of May, much like any other summer in Delhi. Although...
climate change conversation

Redefining the Climate Change Conversation

Written by Rohit Nair Climate change is widely regarded as the single biggest crisis threatening our collective future on this planet. A recent report published...

Straggling towards an Education for All: The Haryana Story

Written by Nishant Kauntia  “In school, my son is called by the name 134a sometimes,” said Rustom, an unemployed pharmacist sitting on his bed, calmly...
yamuna floodplain

“It’s Not Our Land to Give”: Tenancy and the Yamuna Floodplain Reservoir Project

Written by Vaishnavi Rathore  A herd of buffaloes crosses the muddy path, one of which decides to roll around the expanse of mud he finds...

Putting the Athlete First: Data Protection in Sports

Written by Swagam Dasgupta & Sourya Reddy  Fitbit. Apple. Samsung. Boltt. Huawei. What do all these companies have in common? The ability to tell you...

Yamuna Floodplain Reservoir: Technically Feasible or a Grand Announcement?

Written by Vaishnavi Rathore A recent water stress index has ranked India the 46th highest risk country in the world;11 of India’s 20 largest cities...