Education in Times of COVID: A Distressed Batch of 2020 Still Hopes to Study...

The COVID-19 pandemic is straining systems worldwide. Besides health, families are struggling with uncertainties surrounding their jobs and aspirations. At all levels of education,...

Understanding Zoonotic Diseases: With Dr. Shrikrishna Isloor

COVID-19, SERS, MERS, Ebola, Swine Flu—What do they all have in common? These are infections that can transmit from animals to humans, otherwise known...

Education in Times of COVID: Re-centering Our Public Schools

Suspending all educational activities that involve large gatherings at least until May 3rd has brought about significant changes to schools’ academic cycles, board examination...

What the Humanities Can Teach Us During a Pandemic

Epidemics and pandemics are humanitarian crises and hence the subject of the Humanities, as much as they are the subjects of biomedical situations, biologists,...

Climate Action In A Post Coronavirus World

There is a video that has been doing the rounds amidst this coronavirus frenzy. It shows how the American news channel Fox News has...

We Need To Start Talking About Teachers’ Mental Health

You must have heard the famous quote: “He who can, does; he who cannot, teaches.” Popularised by George Bernard Shaw in Maxims for Revolutionists, the...

COVID-19 vs 2020’s Sports Calendar: Checking Our Priorities

The Bastion Shorts—Episode 8 The world is at a standstill. As the novel Coronavirus spreads further, the world seems to be locking-down. Earlier this month...

The COVID-19 Crisis Should Make Us Rethink Our Prejudices Against Basic Income Transfers

Albeit indefinite, the coronavirus-induced (paid) stay-at-home orders are temporary for many privileged citizens. But, for masses of India’s working population, this nagging sense of...

No Work From Home

Modi’s Janata Curfew on this Sunday was welcomed with what can only be described as rabid energy; the fake news marshalls forwarded messages about...

Education In The Time Of COVID-19

Education goes far beyond the back and forth with our teachers and professors. Educational Institutions are spaces in which new ideas, theories and innovations...