Tag: United Nations

Why India Needs A More Proactive Approach to International Law

A group of international lawyers have petitioned the MEA for greater documentation of State practice. Why is there a need for transparency and accountability in State practice?

Is it a Meteor Shower? Is it a Shooting Star? No,...

Not only does space debris pose a threat to operating satellites that are vital for communication, security, and commerce, but it can also hurl into the Earth’s atmosphere, damaging lives and property. India is right in the mix of things, but how do we mitigate and manage our space junk?

Achieving Sustainable Development by Accelerating Gender Equality

Gender Equality is the lever for achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Shared Atmosphere, Equal Responsibility? Enter, Climate Debt

One of the greatest scientific discoveries was made in the 1700s. It was the realization that coal could be used to turn water into...