Tag: Forest Department

When Conservation, Community and Education Come Together: Kaas Plateau’s Sustainable Ecotourism...

Over the years, influx of tourists during the flowering seasons has caused vehicular pollution and destruction of plants and shrubs at Kaas Plateau. To address these issues and conserve Kaas’s biodiversity, the local stakeholders came together to devise a sustainable ecotourism model.

One Health: The Need for Intersections Between Human, Animal and Environmental...

This is an integrated approach to healthcare that can be adopted as a preventive measure against zoonotic diseases. But will One Health find its ground in India, or become yet another underexplored idea?

A Conservation of Convenience: State Apathy Towards Van Gujjars and Forest...

What are the impacts of colonial conservation models on the Van Gujjars, a Muslim pastoral community historically living across Rajaji Tiger Reserve?

A Conservation of Convenience: The Tussle Between the Developmental State and...

The Rajaji Tiger Reserve has emerged as a battleground between the State’s developmental aspirations and the conservation of a critical ecological habitat.

Unravelling the ‘PPP’ Model Affecting Nomadic Pastoralists in Jammu & Kashmir

This article is the third instalment of our series on how the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns have impacted the livelihoods of three...

Moving When the World is Still: The Seasonal Migration of Van...

Lockdowns and COVID-19 policies within the Protected Areas that Van Gujjars inhabit during the summer have diminished their autonomy over their livelihood.

Mapping the Impact of COVID-19 on Himal‌ayan Pastoralists: A‌ ‌Primer‌

State marginalisation of nomadic pastoralists is felt by two Himalayan communities—the Bakarwals of Jammu & Kashmir, & the Van Gujjars of Uttarakhand.