Tag: Adivasis

Where There is No Doctor

Health professionals who want to work in rural areas are handicapped by a chronic lack of information and an abundance of damning stereotypes about careers in rural India. Meanwhile, there is an acute shortage and growing need for healthcare professionals in rural areas. The diagnosis, according to the Rural Hospital Network, is a free-to-access website that aims to connect health professionals with hospitals in need.

How Displacement by Dams Changed the Lives of Gujarat’s Women

One factor binds all the families displaced by dam building in Gujarat: the women experienced the resettlement differently from men.

Brazilian Gold has an Environmentally Hazardous Supply Chain, and India is...

Pico da Neblina, or the “Mist Peak”, is Brazil’s highest mountain peak. For the Yanomami—South America’s largest “relatively isolated tribe” who live within the...

Behind the Trail of Chhattisgarh’s Coal Rush

Savitha Rath is telling me a story, as she stands at a T-junction which is one of the few places with good phone connectivity....

In Her Opinion: Dr. Bhanumathi Kalluri on Mining in Adivasi Areas...

There is no dearth of evidence to prove that large-scale developmental projects in India have impacted the lives of those living the closest to...

We Can’t Talk About The Environment Without Talking About Indigenous People’s...

Written by Purnima Singh | This article was originally published on Feminism in India and has been reproduced on The Bastion with full permission.  From rallying for climate action...