Education for the Marginalized

Analyzing the accessibility, inclusivity and efficacy of education for the marginalized in India.

Why Isn’t Quality Primary Education Ever a Poll Promise?

India's learning crisis could gain political legitimacy if used as an electoral platform by political parties.

Towards Inclusive Private Schooling

During this lockdown, few private schools have hiked their fee for the current academic year. As a result, various state governments have issued guidelines...

Bastion Shorts: Has AAP’s Education Model Really Worked?

The Bastion Shorts—Episode 5 As Delhi goes to vote tomorrow, many of us would be basing our votes on the reforms brought about in...

What Hinders Women-in-STEM, Even in Elite Liberal Arts Universities?

Unlike the IITs, the gender ratio is in favour of women at India’s liberal arts institutions. Yet, the difficulties faced by women-in-science present themselves in nuanced forms, as early experiences from Ashoka University’s STEM programs suggest.

The Bastion Dialogues: Dr. Uma Maheshwari Chimirala

Interviewed by Ayush Jain on 11th March 2019 This week, The Bastion’s Ayush Jain delved deep into the Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) system. Set...

Why Inclusive Education Benefits Everyone, Not Just the Disabled: With Jo Chopra-McGowan, Executive Director,...

Almost 40% of children with disabilities in India have never attended a school of any sort—and even among those who have, 40% considered dropping...

Education in Times of COVID: How Students, Teachers & Parents are Dealing With the...

On the 14th of March, the news dropped like a bombshell for all teachers: schools would remain closed until the end of the month....

#Dialogues: Early Childhood Care & Education in the NEP 2020 with Kamal Gaur

Last month, the Union Government approved the new National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Since then, many prominent personalities have spoken about its potential for...
India Violence

No Country for Foreign Students

Co-authored by Amrita Singh & Aakanksha Jadhav Another day, another session of rigorous frisking and mockery in an unknown language. Frederick*, well equipped to enter...

5 Reasons Why Ed-tech Cannot be the ‘New Normal’ for a Majority of Indian...

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