What Hinders Women-in-STEM, Even in Elite Liberal Arts Universities?
Unlike the IITs, the gender ratio is in favour of women at India’s liberal arts institutions. Yet, the difficulties faced by women-in-science present themselves in nuanced forms, as early experiences from Ashoka University’s STEM programs suggest.
‘Open’ for Business: The Growth of Massive Online Open Courses in India
Co-authored by Aarathi Ganesan and Aditya Vikram
By virtue of her burgeoning population and proactive Right to Education policy, India is home to around 310...
Where are the Missing Girls of our IITs? The Leaky Pipeline
Women are systematically pushed out of the pipeline that takes them from school, through coaching and the JEE, onto engineering college. At each step of this journey, here's how bright female minds are lost to gender stereotypes and biases, or the ‘leaks’ in the IIT pipeline.
Sinking Treasures: Reviving Delhi’s Public Libraries
Written & Photographed by Ipsita Mishra
Libraries have always overwhelmed us with the extensive information preserved in the form of books, and have been a...
In Pursuit of Autonomy: Does the HECI Fit the Bill?
Co-created by Aarushi Aggarwal and Kirti Dass
The compelling need to resolve the shortcomings of the University Grants Commission (UGC) cannot be disputed. A body...
Outcomes-Based Instruments Work: Learning from the World’s Largest Education Impact Bond
The Quality Education India Development Impact Bond (QEI DIB) offers valuable insight into how to design and evaluate outcomes-based instruments for success.
Fighting the Good Fight: Can Indian Liberal Institutions Stay True to Their Ideals?
Written by Tanvi Mehta
While creating the education system for independent India, the first Education Minister, Maulana Azad, shouldered the responsibility of creating an institution...
Institutes of Eminence: Imminent Game-changers for India’s Higher Education System?
Co-authored by Ishani Pant and Kirti Dass
Despite the many ups and downs that Indian higher education has seen, the goal of raising India’s academic...
What We Should Talk About When We Talk About Akshaya Patra
Co-authored by Evita Rodrigues and Shantanu Kishwar
A recent article by The Hindu has triggered controversy surrounding the Akshaya Patra Foundation (APF), particularly regarding their...
Can the NEP Reform Higher Education in India?
Dear Reader,
In yesterday’s newsletter, we laid out the context behind some of the new National Education Policy’s (NEP) biggest and boldest moves in India’s...