On the Fence

Delhi Riots Bloomsbury

Of Untold Stories, Freedom of Speech and Bloomsbury India’s Reaction

Understanding the Context This September, Bloomsbury India was set to publish Delhi Riots 2020: The Untold Story, a book which claims to be a factual...
Monument Mitras: Preserving National Heritage or Furthering Corporate Ambition? The Bastion Red Fort

Monument Mitras: Preserving National Heritage or Furthering Corporate Ambition?

Understanding the Context The  ‘Monument Mitra’ is a plan of action devised by the BJP government to contain and control the systemic decay and deterioration...

Should Children Be Allowed to Design Their Own Education?

If our meme wasn't clear enough, we can spell it our for you: our education system isn't teaching material that is particularly relevant to...

Who Can Perform Your Surgery? On “Quacks” and the Creation of a Healthy Citizenry

Understanding the Context On the 20th of November 2020, The Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) issued a notification in its gazette that allowed post-graduate...

Amidst COVID-19, Who is Watching Over Children’s Data on Ed-Tech Platforms?

As Indian students continue to depend on ed-tech platforms to learn for the foreseeable future, we also need to also think about how we’re protecting their digital and personal safety. Are ed-tech companies themselves responsibly using and protecting children’s data? How is the Indian state monitoring their protection of children’s data? Are our Internet laws strong enough to protect a child’s right to privacy online? We answer all these questions and more, in this month’s On the Fence.

A Palette of Perspectives for Indian Football’s Canvas

Curated by Adarsh Singh | Featured illustration by Shreya Bhatia for The Bastion Understanding the Context Our recently published analysis on How the AFC is Painting...
Forest Rights Act India

Whose Right is it Anyway? Decoding the Forest Rights Act

Understanding the Context The Supreme Court (SC) has been hearing a batch of petitions (Wildlife First & Ors v. Ministry of Forest and Environment &...
Tiktok Edutok The bastion

Let’s #EduTok: Democratising E-Learning or Shrewd PR Gimmick?

Understanding the Context TikTok’s arrival in India has been heralded as a game-changer in Indian social media spaces. The country is home to 120 million...
The Price for a Healthy Public The Bastion

The Price of a Healthy Public

Understanding the Context India’s public healthcare system has struggled to fulfil its mandate of providing quality and affordable healthcare to its billion-strong populace. Since liberalisation,...
EWS Reservation

Public Good, Private Responsibility? The RTE’s EWS Reservation

Understanding the Context The Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act was hailed as a monumental intervention to increase access to education. However, it...