How Can Citizens Use Courts to Save Mollem?
The judicial system is an effective outlet for the citizens of Goa to use, as they up the ante in their fight to save Mollem. How can the courts be used in their battle?
How India’s Private Infrastructure Projects Risk Economic Stability, Environment, and Public Welfare
This article is the first of #FinancingDevelopment, a series analysing the finances behind India's development journey, in collaboration with the Centre for Financial Accountability.
In India,...
In the Eye of the Storm: Luna’s Lone War for Clean Water
The village of Luna is like any other village in Gujarat — vast stretches of green, mud and brick houses pockmarked around the fields,...
Of Politics and the Environment: Understanding India’s Need for Green Parties
Written by Rizowana Hussaini
“Future is Green, Green is Future”. These words greet every visitor of the India Greens Party’s website, one of India’s few...
How ‘Development’ in Jharkhand Contributed to a Water Crisis
As the Prime Minister declared a 21-day nationwide lockdown on the eve of 24th March, following WHO’s guidelines, the Ministry of Health and Family...
Privatizing Coal: Things To Know
In the hopes of infusing new life into the Indian economy, the Government of India has opened up coal production in the country to...
Brazilian Gold has an Environmentally Hazardous Supply Chain, and India is a Part of...
Pico da Neblina, or the “Mist Peak”, is Brazil’s highest mountain peak. For the Yanomami—South America’s largest “relatively isolated tribe” who live within the...
In Her Opinion: Dr. Sejal Worah on Restoring a Forest in Uttarakhand
In Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, a 100-acre forest has been home to some visitors. People yes, but also bears, the Himalayan Red Fox, and even leopards....
In the Dam Safety Bill 2019, the Devil Lies in the Details
To what extent does the Dam Safety Bill, 2019 prevent damages to dams that can turn into disasters?
Mangroves, The Neglected Primary Responders For Tropical Storms
With more cyclones brewing over the Arabian Sea, states on India's west coast should revisit the role of mangroves in cyclone mitigation measures.